Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Another Supporter

Just recently, the Chess in the Library program received another generous donation of $20 from on anonymous individual. Although the number didn't seem big, yet it showed a tremendous amount of support toward our program. My team and I all really appreciate this donation. Chess in Canada isn't a popular sport (hence our program - to promote chess), thus having someone to show us that he or she cares about chess and our program is something special. Knowing that we have another supporter motivates us all to keep making this program better and bigger. Thank you!!

Some people believe that only rich people like Bill Gates donate to charity. That is entirely untrue. I would agree that those group of people perhaps contribute the majority of the money toward charities, but they are definitely not the only ones that take action to support a good cause. Think about it, if everyone in Canada contributed $1 to an organization, that total amount of money wouldn't be less than what an average multi-millionaire can donate. A small donation can make a BIG difference. In our program. every $20 can support the supplies for approximately 5 more kids to play chess every week. Now imagine how many more kids would be able to play chess if everyone in Toronto donated $1! So if you want to show us that you care, email us! Any donation (money, chess boards, sets, books, trophies, medals, anything related to chess!) is greatly welcomed and appreciated by the Chess in the Library program. :)

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